The yella fella pictured here is a Dragonkin from Starfinder Battles. It is a Deep Cuts and it sure shows with all the fantastic details on the model. I bought it for around 9 bucks at a local hobby shop. I saw it and said "Mine!"
It says on the packaging that it is primed and ready to paint. Learn from my mistake. Take the time to prime it. You'll have a much easier go of your painting if you do. What you see here is layers of paint to get the coverage necessary.
I went with shades of yellow. I have no yellow dragons in my collection. I'm glad I did. I really like it. Grays and pewter for the ammo belt. Carbon for the blaster and blade. The shaft was painted a metallic purple. The horns are charcoal and the eyes a pinkish color. The base is basic black.
Everything was given a wash and some highlights. Presto, one bad a$$ space dragon. Take a gander.