Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Your Days Are Numbered

I first read about the Imperial Assassins in WH40K while reading the Horus Heresy Series awhile back.  I was fascinated by them.  When I saw a picture of them, the fascination grew even more deep.  Four individuals who covertly carried on the elimination of the enemies of the emperor/empire.

When I saw these models on sale over at Spikey Bits, I couldn't resist.  The model in the foreground is by Ghamak as are the custom bases.  The other three models were made by HerseyLab.

(Below) Left to right: an Eversor Temple Assassin, a Callidus Tempe Assassin, a Culexus Temple Assassin, and a Vindicare Temple Assassin.  Each model was painted black.  The Eversor model was given a metallic red drybrush, The Callidus model - a green metallic drybrush, the Culexus figure - purple metallic, and finally the Vindicare Assassin -  a metallic blue.  Each looks super cool in their own deadly way.  Take a look.