Thursday, September 22, 2022

George the Animal Coal????

If you were a kid growing up in the 1970s or 80s there is a good chance you watched studio wrestling and probably saw George the Animal Steele going through his usual antics in the ring.  As I was painting this D&D Nolzur's Deep Cut Cave Troll there was something about his face that seemed familiar.  I woke this morning muttering, "George Steele".

I bought the figure a few weeks ago and after all the tanks and drones felt I needed a fantasy creature to paint.  I primered the model with black paint.  I then painted it with a coal colored paint.  Next, I gave the entire figure a navy blue wash.  The pointed areas and eyes were painted metallic blue. Then, I gave them multiple very thin coats of metallic white.  After everything dried, I dry brushed the raised areas with a silver gray. The straight edges of the pointed features were highlighted with platinum.  Once all that dried, the entire figure was given multiple coats of glitter and metallic flake paints.  The mouth was painted a gray-blue and the base was given a dark brown wash.  Lastly, the model was coated in a high gloss finish.