Friday, September 16, 2022

Nasty Pests in the Air

I just completed a bunch of war machines largely made from items from the Dollar Tree.  The 3 tanks were a buck a piece.  A bunch of odds and ends from Final Fraction accessory packs were added. *(See next entry.)  Additionally, other accessories became the nucleus of the drone models.  A pack of women's plastic curlers (landing gear) and a 2 tubes of superglue later (along with some acrylic paints) a full on mechanized unit emerged.  *Flying object stands and decals are from Games Workshop.  Enjoy the pics.

2 daytime "Skeeter Drones" DT-250 ADs

2 night "Skeeter Drones" with a "Swamp Bug" Drone  DT-350 AD

An entire "Nests" of the pests