Tuesday, September 27, 2022

The Terror of Talos

I purchased this Talos figure several weeks ago.  I knew when I bought it that I would need to modify it some for the purpose of my collection and the role it will have during wargaming.  Like many of you, my first knowledge of Talos was from Ray Harryhausen's 1963 classic film, Jason and the Argonauts.

In the movie, the statue of  the Titan, Talos, comes back to life after believing that the Argonauts are stealing from the Gods.  In Greek mythology, Talos was roughly 8 feet tall.  Harryhausen's version in the film is a giant that grabs the Argos and rids it of its crew. 

Hera informs Jason that there is a peg on the Titan's ankle that if removed, it will spill the Ichor (life blood of the Gods) inside Talos.  Jason removes the peg and brings about an end to the giant.

My Talos will be more or less along the lines of the 8 foot version.  I modified the base and gave it a repaint.  I think it looks great.  Look out Argonauts!

As I Bought It
Finished Figure


Thursday, September 22, 2022

George the Animal Coal????

If you were a kid growing up in the 1970s or 80s there is a good chance you watched studio wrestling and probably saw George the Animal Steele going through his usual antics in the ring.  As I was painting this D&D Nolzur's Deep Cut Cave Troll there was something about his face that seemed familiar.  I woke this morning muttering, "George Steele".

I bought the figure a few weeks ago and after all the tanks and drones felt I needed a fantasy creature to paint.  I primered the model with black paint.  I then painted it with a coal colored paint.  Next, I gave the entire figure a navy blue wash.  The pointed areas and eyes were painted metallic blue. Then, I gave them multiple very thin coats of metallic white.  After everything dried, I dry brushed the raised areas with a silver gray. The straight edges of the pointed features were highlighted with platinum.  Once all that dried, the entire figure was given multiple coats of glitter and metallic flake paints.  The mouth was painted a gray-blue and the base was given a dark brown wash.  Lastly, the model was coated in a high gloss finish.

Saturday, September 17, 2022

Hot Stuff

Great song by the Rolling Stones and an appropriate title for this entry.  I purchased a Desert Dragon from Happy Hen Toys for $20.  The toy is made by Safari Ltd.  I love the look.  With the six eyes, razor sharp teeth, six legs, and the chelae, it looks like it came from an alien world.  I'll use it in a sci fi game or with the Dirz Faction in Confrontation.  Regardless, I'm happy to include it in the collection.

Friday, September 16, 2022

...and on the Ground.

 Here's the rest of the pics. I had mentioned.

Kriegshund (War Dog or Hound of War)

The gang's all here,  Run while you can.

*Of note, the Ukrainians use of drones against Russian tanks inspired me to create the Swamp Bug.  The "Mosquitos" and the "Kreigshund" models I created a while back.  I finally had the chance to finish the rest of the crew and went for it.  I like 'em.  I hope you do too.  Stay safe out there. 

"Swamp Bug" DT-350 AD

Nasty Pests in the Air

I just completed a bunch of war machines largely made from items from the Dollar Tree.  The 3 tanks were a buck a piece.  A bunch of odds and ends from Final Fraction accessory packs were added. *(See next entry.)  Additionally, other accessories became the nucleus of the drone models.  A pack of women's plastic curlers (landing gear) and a 2 tubes of superglue later (along with some acrylic paints) a full on mechanized unit emerged.  *Flying object stands and decals are from Games Workshop.  Enjoy the pics.

2 daytime "Skeeter Drones" DT-250 ADs

2 night "Skeeter Drones" with a "Swamp Bug" Drone  DT-350 AD

An entire "Nests" of the pests

Monday, September 12, 2022

Good Deed for the Day

THIS IS IMPORTANT PLEASE READ IT!!!!!!  I received this text message from "Amazon" this morning.  If you get one like it, ignore it.  IT IS A HOAX.  DO NOT CLICK ON THE LINK!!!  I've contacted Amazon and they are aware of it.

Sunday, September 11, 2022

Out of the Ashes

Heroscape is returning.  Avalon Hill announced recently that it will be producing a new version of the game.  There will be new generals, new background, new figures, new terrain, and more.  Unlike the original version, these figs will come unpainted much like the ones in MTG: Arena of the Planeswalkers.  Craig Van Ness is back at the helm (great news) with plans to stay onboard well into the future.

The new game is called Heroscape: Age of Annihilation.  I have added some pics and a video link to check out.  I'm stoked!!!  As long time fan of the game, I hope this goes well and is successful.

Age of Annihilation

Wednesday, September 7, 2022

G.I. Janes????

I picked these HeroClix figures some time ago with the intention of converting them into the G.I. Joe characters, Scarlett and the Baroness. With a little time to kill this morning I decided to finally do it. Scarlett is a HeroClix SHIELD Elite Agent. I painted all the white parts of her uniform black, gave her hair some highlights, and then drybrushed the black areas with a metalic blue. I attached an old LEGO crossbow to her back. The Baroness is a HeroClix Victoria Hand figure. Here too, I painted all the white parts of the uniform black as well as the red streaks in her hair. I gave the red areas of her glasses a flesh color. Her hair was given a drybrush with a light gray. The uniform, like Scarlett's was give a metallic blue drybrush. One more figure to repaint for Duke and then I'm done with the G.I. Joe stuff....most likely.

The Gang's All Here

Sir Gilbert (with bent flag)
 I received my Sir Gilbert Flagbearer Figure yesterday in the mail.  He is the flagbearer for Jandar in the game, Heroscape.  His flag was a tad bent but I got that taken care of with the old hot-cold trick.  I purchased all of the flagbearers when they originally came out.  I didn't really like the figure at the time and didn't get it.  Years later, I had a change of heart and wanted the complete set.  The figure came without the card, dice, and bag, but for the price I'm cool with it.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I bid you welcome Sir Gilbert.

Friday, September 2, 2022

The Backyard Brawl, Y'All

It's back!  After more than 10 years, The West Virginai Mountaineers and The Pittsburgh Panthers went at it at Acrisure Stadium here in Da Burgh.  It was a good one.  A hard fought one.  A punch and counterpunch kind of game.  Every fan of both schools programs I'm sure felt the same highs and lows as the scored changed multiple times throughout.

Both teams look pretty solid as their seasons begin.  The Pathers came out on top 38-31 with a "pick six" by M.J. Devonshire late in the game.  It was a very exciting game to watch!  A nice win for the Blue and Gold.  Looking forward to the rest of the season.  As always...Let's Go Pitt!!!