Monday, December 28, 2020

Too Cold, Too Cold

I had mentioned awhile back that I had got a bunch of minis for cheap from a game called The Banner Saga.  I put up pics of some of the Dredge figures in an earlier post.   I just completed six super cool figures from the same game.  These guys are called the Varl.  They are giants with horns protruding from their foreheads.  Like all the rest of the miniatures, they are super detailed and nicely sculpted.  I had to do the old hot/cold bath to get some of the weapons straightened out, but it was a pretty easy fix.

I painted these guys to look like Frost Giants.  They're not as big as Frost Giants from other companies, so I will use them as half giants.  I decided to make them into two factions, so I gave them different looks.  I also modified a couple of them.  Take a peek.  I hope you like them.

More than likely these guys will be my last paints of 2020.  At least as far as my hobby goes, it was a good year.  For all of you who do me the honor of checking out my blog, a big "thank you" and a wish for a happy, healthy, safe, and prosperous 2021!!!