I started off this crazy new year painting Svetlana, Frost Giant Princess, from the Reaper Bones Miniature Line. For whatever reason, I've been on a Frost Giant kick as of late. This is a great model. The detail is nice and the figure reflects a sense of royalty in its pose.
I went with light blue skin and white hair. The leathers got a dark brown with tan edging. The cloak was painted a charcoal-grey and the fur boots were painted white. Her spear tip was painted metallic white and then washed with blue and purple metallic washes. The eyes were painted a yellow-green metallic color. After everything dried, dark washes were applied to various areas and then the model was dry brushed to bring up the highlights.
I clear-coated the figure. After it dried, I went back in and gave the leather areas a coat of semi-gloss. The spear tip and any metals were given a coat of high-gloss. Lastly, the spear tip was coated with iridescent glitter.
This one of the best overall paint jobs I've done to date. It's not perfect, but nothing ever is. The first figure of 2021 is done. Not sure what I'll paint next. I'm thinking something a little more Sci Fi.