Saturday, March 30, 2024

When Two Isn't Better Than One

I went to see Godzilla x Kong: The New Empire.  I've enjoyed the last few films and needed to get out of the house for a bit; so off I went.  I conned my oldest son into joining me with the offer of getting pizza at Jioio's (in Greensburg, PA) afterwards.  

Let me start by saying that the pizza was amazing as it always is there.  It was a bit of a wait to get in but well worth it.  I know you're confused...What about the movie? was just best.  Essentially, this could have/should have been a King Kong movie.  Godzilla and Shimo seem like add-ons to pull in extra viewers.  They add nothing to the plot or film overall. There is a baby giant ape in the film.  He/she is cute for about 5 minutes (also not needed in the movie).  The acting was bland (except for Kaylee Hottle).  The story was predictable.  (It reminded me of one of the 1970s era Godzilla movies.)  Sorry to say, but I fell asleep 3 times during the film. Did I mention how good the pizza was??!!

Any way, that's my take.  Feel free to disagree.  Until next time.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

A Sound of Thunder

I'd go out on a limb and say that's probably what sound these beasties (if they were real) would make stampeding through the jungle.  I picked up these 4 lovelies at Walmart last summer (less than $5) and finally got around to putzing with them.

Each was given a wash to show off the skin texture of the creature.  I highlighted the raised areas and then went in with some details around the face.  When  I was finished I gave them all a clear coat and then based them.

They turned out decently.  Check 'em out.  

Wednesday, March 27, 2024

A Little Bit of Malice

Malal or Malice is the Chaos God Of  Anarchy. I have here his servant, Amaros.  The model is from Archvillain Games.  It is one of the coolest models I have ever seen,  NOTE:  If you purchase one, be extra careful with it.  There are lots of little parts that can easily be broken off.

Amaros was given a coat of back acrylic paint.  Next, I did a dry brush of white paint over the entire model.  The flames on the sword were painted to look like real ones.  I gave everything a clear coat. 

Assembly was a bit tricky.  When all was said and done, I ended up with one awesome figure.  I have several Chaos Knights I have modified over the past few years; they will become the servants of Malice. The Shadow Lord, Shadow Knights, and The Unforgiven (* See previous posts for pics) are a good start for an army of the "Doomed Ones".

Gotta go.  So much to do.  So many figures to paint. 

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Southern Hospitality

My youngest son is a big fan of country music.  He's always playing some and singing along.  I'm waiting for him to come home any day now and tell  me he traded his car in on a pick-up truck.  He's got a dog.  He'll be all set; an urban cowboy through and through.

His birthday is coming up and when asked what he wanted, he said he wanted to visit Nashville.  So the other day we loaded up and headed south.

Nashville is an amazingly beautiful city.  It is clean and largely quiet (except for the lower part of Broadway).  I would recommend you take the Grayline Double Decker Bus Tour to see the sites and get the lay of the land. It takes about an hour and is well worth doing.  You'll love checking out the Parthenon!

Like the typical tourists that we were we went to see a show at the Grand Ole Oprey (Save yourself some money and park at the mall, not in the lot.) and visited the Country Music Hall of Fame. The show (2 hours) was fantastic.  It featured old and new country artists and a comedian.  Also about 2 hours is the time it took to visit the museum. So many great things to see here!  We did the self guided tour and were fine.  (*Just a heads up:  Parking is expensive.  There are lots close to major attractions.  Make sure to have a cellphone and a credit card to park.)

It's too bad we didn't have more time.  There was so much else we wanted to see.  Thinking about heading back there in the fall.

While we were there we stayed at the Marriott Nashville Green Hills.  Beautiful hotel in a really nice part of the city.  I WOULD NEVER RECOMMEND THIS PLACE TO ANYONE!!!!!!  The front desk staff were rude.  The beds were awful.  No hot water or water pressure in the shower.  They charge you out the butt for parking each night.  We were not happy campers!!!!  There are other places to stay all over the city.  Read the reviews before you pick one.

On the way home, we stopped at the National Corvette Museum in Bowling Green.  This place is awesome!  So many Vettes to see and history to learn.  You can even take a car for a few laps on the race track there.  I'm letting you know up front, nothing here is cheap.  Make sure you take the plastic or some big bills. 

We all had a great time.  But like any good cowboy story, it had to end.  Happy trails out there, pardners.

Sunday, March 17, 2024

Strange Magic

I finally finished this Vulduk Chaos Lord of magic and mystery from Archvillain Games.  Vulduk serves the Chaos God Tzeentch.  

The base was easy - rocks and candles - no brainer on the paint scheme.  The body of the creature was easy too.  The wings...a whole different story. What colors to use, what wash, what highlight color???  It's done now and I think it looks great.  I didn't deviate too far from the general look in WH40K.  

Thanks for checking in.  I'm always humbled and thankful that you do.  I feel lucky here on St. Patrick's Day to be able to share the things I enjoy with all of you out there in the big old world.  Have a good one!