Wednesday, February 28, 2024

Bad Boys, Bad Boys, Whatcha Gonna Do?

Here are a couple of "Baddies" I recently finished.  One is a Cyber Troll from Reaper Bones Miniatures and the other is a repaint and modification of a HeroClix Samuroid.  

The Troll was painted pewter with gray horns and reddish hair.  He was given a blue vest, charcoal pants, and black overalls.  The minigun was painted silver.  Everything was given a black wash.  When it dried, I went in and gave our new bad boy some highlights.

I named the refurbished Samuroid, Cyber Dragon.  I used a metallic green and flat black color combination for his uniform.  I added silver accents to the chestplate and helmet.  I replaced the samurai sword with a cyber blade.  I think he looks pretty bada$$.  

The Troll is a part of a intergalactic band of marauders plundering planets for whatever they can take and generally causing havoc.  The Dragon is a robot designed to steal corporate secrets, engage in corporate espionage, and act as an assassin to take out corporate rivals when necessary.

I've included some pics..  Enjoy!

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

With a Little Help From My Friends

Welcome Meka!  Meka is the two-legged mech piloted by Amber in Sucker Punch.  Meka (AKA Bunny) helps the girls defeat the German Army during a battle (WW1???) in the film.  I couldn't find an exact model so I transformed this Mantic Games Strider into one as best I could.  I couldn't find a "Bunny Face" decal to use so I painted the glass areas of the model a metallic pink as a homage.  I also added the pink bandana to "girly up" the model as well.  I kept the color scheme in the olive drab arena much like the one in the film.  The number 5 decal was added to the right side similar to the one in the movie.

This Meka comes with a flamethrower on the right and a chainsaw on the left.  There is also a pair of rockets on the side of the chainsaw.  While not an exact replica, this model looks the part.

Here some pics of "Meka /Bunny".  There is one with Amber and a friend they found on the battlefield.  Lastly, there is one of the whole team.  Coming soon:  Bad Guys...I mean really Bad Guys!

Saturday, February 17, 2024

What's on TV?

WandaVision!  I took a little time and watched the Marvel Miniseries a few days ago and to be honest was not disappointed.  It did start out a little slow and was somewhat confusing.  As things moved along, you start to pick up on the quirks and begin to realize something is not quiet right.

The creepiness and eeriness of the last few episodes put me on edge.  The last episode was great and sad at the same time.  It did set up Wanda for The Dr. Strange: Multiverse of Madness.

I loved the tributes to TV Family Sitcoms from the past.  Kudos to Elizabeth Olsen and Paul Bettany for their fantastic portrayals of Wanda and the Vision.  Also great was Kathryn Hahn as Agatha Harkness, loved the over the top acting!!  The addition of the White Vision was interesting.

The storyline was a tip of the hat to the Steve Englehart and Richard Howell’s Vision and the Scarlet Witch from back in the 1980s.  Agatha, who is much kinder in the comic books, was brought in to help Wanda with the twins in West Coast Avengers.  For those of us who have read the issues, things are a bit different in the TV series.

Overall - good stuff.  Very entertaining!  A win for Marvel.

Right in the Kisser

 As promised I have 5 of the deadliest darlings to have ever been seen on the silver screen.  Ladies and Gentlemen, I present to you the Sucker Punch Girls.  These small sirens were a challenge to paint, but very rewarding to see them all finished.  Baby Doll, Blondie, Amber, Sweet Pea, and Rocket are now ready for battle on the tabletop.  

These metal figures are made by Reaper Miniatures.  I kept the painting as close to the movie costumes as I could.  I hope you like them. Take a peak.  Also take a peak at the movie, Sucker Punch, if you haven't already.  It's not everyone's cup of tea, but it's interesting none-the-less.

Amber's "Bunny" Mecha is in the works.  I'll get some pics up as soon as it's ready.  Until then.

Tuesday, February 13, 2024

It's Big

I found this Marvel HeroClix Galactus online for a good price.  It was missing the original HeroClix base, but I didn't care.  I've always wanted one and for the price I paid, I couldn't pass it up.  Welcome to the family, Destroyer of Worlds. 

Sunday, February 11, 2024

Lady Bug...Killers

These little ladies are Starship Trooper Vixens by Rebel Miniatures.  I'll add them to the rest of collection: their male counterparts, the exo-suit units, and the bugs too! *(See earlier posts.)  I guess you could say "I'm doing my part."  With their completion,  I'm keeping to the Sci Fi Movie theme this month and have started on a set of Sucker Punch girls.  Pics to follow.

Sunday, February 4, 2024

The Frosty Fighting Femmes of February

I just finished this batch of Konflict '47 Daughters of the Motherland.  I painted them in light gray and off white.  I am going to use them as an Imperial Guard unit for my ever gowning WH40K collection.  I am calling them Valhallan Ice Maidens.  I also plan to use them as some type of Red Blok Unit for Weird War II games or for AT-43.  

Speaking of Weird War II games, I also painted this figure from Dust 1947.  Her name is Johanna Dust.  Like the rest of the crew, she was fun to paint and turned out extremely well.  Check 'em out.  

Friday, February 2, 2024

Worth a Look


I've watched a few more Marvel "Movies" for lack of a better word.  The Falcon and the Winter Soldier miniseries was AWESOME!  Anthony Mackie and Sebastian Stan did a fantastic job brining those characters to life.  Loved the story lines.  The inclusion of Isaiah Bradley was great.  Erin Kellyman is so good in everything she does.  I highly recommend that if you get a chance to watch it.  Well done Marvel!!!

Also decent was the Secret Invasion Miniseries.  I'm a big Samuel L. Jackson fan, so I thoroughly enjoyed it.  Good storyline.  Some interesting twists.  Well worth the watch.

The other two I have to say were not nearly as good.  Werewolf by Night and Morbius the Living Vampire were just okay at best.  Morbius was the better of the two.  Werewolf was just too cheesy. I am hoping that Marvel will take the two characters and put them in a Rising Sons miniseries with Blade, Ghost Rider, and maybe Dr. Strange.  That being said, if you got some time to waste and want some mindless entertainment, check them out.   

Okay kiddies, your old pal and movie critic laid out some stuff for you to watch.  Go make the popcorn, grab a soda, and find the remote.  Relax and escape for awhile.