Monday, April 12, 2021

Now You're Messin' With....

You know the lyrics.  You know the band.  You know the album and it's amazing cover art.  In case you don't, I've included  a pic for ya.  

When I first saw this Cuth Wolfson, Barbarian figure from Reaper Miniatures, the title song from the album (yes, I wrote album) was pounding through my head.

This figure screams Bad A$$.  It is the final piece for my Barbarian Army.  Over the past few years I've been painting and assembling it (see earlier posts).  I'm mega pleased with this one.  Check out the pic.

On to other things.  Not sure what.  I haven't done any sci fi figs for a spell.  Some pirates sound good.  I got a ton of Egyptian themed minis waiting around.  What about some cowboys????  


Sunday, April 4, 2021

Dr. Jones, I Presume

Not exactly,  This is the Frank Buck figure from Reaper Miniatures.  He is from their Bones Chronoscope line.  I painted him up to look like our favorite film archeologist.  No doom here.  This was a smooth, quick and easy, paint job.  It went well from beginning to end.  I have to say, this little guy turned out super.  To quote the esteemed doctor, "That belongs in a museum!"

Friday, April 2, 2021

Troll Slaying Demonic Succubus... other words...the typical girl next door.  This figure is from the Reaper Bones Miniatures Line.  It is one of the many versions of their mascot Sophie.  I picked it up a couple of years back, started to paint it, and then abandoned the model.  I couldn't come up with a paint scheme that I liked.

While I was hunting for some barbarians for a another project (see earlier blog entry), I came across Sophie in a container with other unpainted/unfinished Reaper minis.  Better late than never, Sophie.  Sorry it took so long. Overall, I think she turned out pretty decently.

Well, here she is, ladies and gentlemen, making her debut on this very blog: Sophie, the Troll Slayer!!!

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Ogres are like Onions

Onions have layers. Ogres have layers. This Ogre Chieftain from Reaper Miniatures Bones Line surely does.  The skin on this bad boy alone is six layers of color and probably just as many on the club.  All the leathers and wraps were painted pure black.  The furs were painted gray and the metals all painted pewter.  A wash of black all around, some dry brushing, and then the details and highlights.  When everything dried, I gave the figure a coat of satin finish and then went back in later to gave the metals a coat of high gloss.

I feel this guy may be one of the best miniatures that I have painted to date.  I am quite pleased with myself.  Take a gander and see what you think.  Enjoy the holiday and stay safe out there!