Sunday, October 18, 2020

Super Spreader Center

Stopped at Walmart in Delmont, PA to grab a few things on the way home today.  About a dozen people not wearing masks in the store.  People crowding in aisles, not social distancing.  I asked to see a manager and was told there was none on duty.  Won't spend another dime in a Walmart again.  With over 219,000 Americans dead from Covid-19, this is unacceptable.  Obviously Walmart doesn't give a rat's a$$ about public health and safety.

Sunday, October 4, 2020

Getting a Little Chilly

Meet Boerogg Blackrime, Frost Giant.  This miniature is from the Reaper Bones Miniatures line.  I tried to keep true to what a Frost Giant should look like as far as hair, skin, etc.  I wanted a pale pallet for the furs, leathers, bones, and what not.  I stayed with grays and tans for the most part.  There are a couple of spots I went with a dark brown where I thought the leather would be thicker.  The ice sword was painted with a white-blue metallic finish.  I then gave it a coat of high gloss as well as the crown.  Lastly, it got iridescent glitter highlights.  I am super pleased with this little giant.

Saturday, October 3, 2020

Riding High Again

I got a great deal on this D&D Skyjek Roc.  My original idea was to turn it into Tzeentch, a Chaos God from WH40K.  When I got it, I noticed that it had a saddle on its back.  I quickly came up with a Plan B.  I got out my old friendly neighborhood bitz box.  I found a body of a Nurgle Fell Beast Rider.  The head is from a HorrorClix figure.  The shield was from a dollar store bag of knights.

I cobbled a rider together out of the parts.  I gave it a paint job that I thought looked good.  With some Sculpey, I modified the saddle some.  When everything dried, I put it all together.  Check out the final product.