Sunday, September 13, 2020


After finishing my recent fire giant, I went down to the gameroom to seek out my next project.  Like many of you out there this can be a very frustrating endeavor.   I have containers galore filled with miniatures and terrain in various stages of completion.   I have even more in unopened boxes stacked in yet other bigger storage containers.  It can be overwhelming.  (I've addressed this before in earlier posts.)  

Today I came across this great article by Peter Thuborg.  It really sounded like this guy lived in my head (scary).  His thoughts about the hobby are my thoughts; his words are my words.  What hit home with me is his solution to the problem.  It is sound solid advice.  I'm going to give it a go, I mean a real go.  As I have stated before, a hobby should be enjoyable not an additional source of aggravation.

For those of you who read the article, I'm sure many of you will sympathize.  Miniature collecting can be an addiction.  It won't be easy.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Fire Good

I really like how this D&D Nolzur's Fire Giant turned out.  I had no idea what I wanted to do with it as far as paint scheme other than skin tone and hair.  I started to invision some dark leather armor and some copper metallics. Since he is a fire giant I went with a goldenrod colored kilt keeping with the yellows, oranges, and reds.  When I was done, I was pleasantly pleased.  Take a gander and see what ya think.  I'm always honored that you take the time to check out my blog.  Take care and stay safe out there.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

You Can Count On It!

It's been a while since I took on a Reaper Bones Miniature.  Going through my bins, I came across these two figs which I actually started about a year ago and then abandoned.  With Halloween just around the corner, I figured I'd give 'em another go.  I like the way these two little suckers turned out.  

While I was on the Reaper craze, I pulled out this guy.  I haven't painted a troll in some time and this bad boy looked super cool.  I wanted him to look a little toadish but not too toadish.  I kinda think that's just what I got. Enjoy the pics!