Thursday, September 26, 2019

Where There's Smoke, There's Fire

Check out this smokin' hot Fire Giant Miniature from Reaper.  Great sculpt!  Active pose!  Very expressive!  I really enjoyed painting this one.  The base is from Reaper's new Base Boss line.  It's really great. It's well made and very sturdy.

Next project:  I'm planning to get 13 of the creepiest little minis done by Halloween.  Hopefully it will be devilishly fun!

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Whatever Happened To Laverne & Shirley?

They ended up in Hell and became these two!  Not really, these demonic darlings are from Reaper Bones Miniatures.  The one in the foreground is Sinessa and the one in back is Tiviel.  I started them in July and got around to putting the final touches on them today.  I hope that I can get them into play soon and see what mischief they can cause on the gaming table.

Sunday, September 8, 2019

You Scream, I Scream....

Plasticville Frosty Bar
...We all scream for ice cream.  You would, especially at the Frost Bar.  This is my take on the Frosty Bar by Plasticville,  Since I will be using it on my wargaming table (Someday!!!), I decided to make it look like it would fit into a post-apocalyptic city.  I made a few mods and added some stuff.  I think it turned out to be pretty cool looking. It's been renamed the Frost Bar.  You get a free toe-tag with your order. I think it will go well with the Combat Burger building.  Take a look. (How'd those snakes get in there??)

Frost Bar - lid on
Frost Bar - lid off