Saturday, December 8, 2018

Warehouse...There House...There Castle

Any fans of Young Frankenstein will appreciate the title.  Thought that I would share some pics with you of my latest project.  I call it the warehouse.  I've been building it since last summer.  It was a bit of a pain in the rear to put together.

The building is constructed with walls from the Mantic Games 20th Century Brick Urban Terrain.  I added some "granny grid" and pieces of Plasticard to reinforce some areas.

The large containers are made from bottle-caps from Coke products.  The smaller barrels are from Novus Design Studio.  The large ones along with the buckets and gas cans are from Tamiya.  The crates and tires are by JR Miniatures.  The rest of the scatter are various odds and ends that I had in a box.

I made the top removable for easier access and play.  I think that it comes across as exactly what it's supposed to old bombed out warehouse.  I staged it with Reaper Bones IMEF Marines on the top floor and Dust Tactics Axis Apes on the bottom.

Check out the photos.  See if you can spot the headless Terminator by River Horse.


Side 2
Side 1