...Sting like a Bee. But these little buggers (LOL) are no Muhammad Ali. What they are are a kinda sorta almost nearly not quite WH40K Vespid Stingwings. I got them on Etsy. They are called the Mantomorph Assault Squad.
I liked them better than the 40K version of Vespids that came out fairly recently. They are a little chunkier and I felt would not break as easily. (I did breakoff and repair 2 antennae and a wing). In the end, I loved how they turned. out.
I went with an orange paint scheme that I had seen online. I used a deep red/brown wash. I highlighted them with yellow/orange. The eyes were painted metallic yellow. The wings got a coat of white. I then gave them an aqua wash. The wings were then coated with several layers of glitter paint. Weapons and armor were painted silver then given a black wash. All the metal parts were highlighted with platinum.
Rock areas were painted black. They were dry-brushed a dark gray and then highlighted with a light gray. I gave them all a coat of clear sealant and called it done.
Check 'em out, boys and girls. Just be careful!