I recently moved. Having to pack up one house and transport the belongs to a new one is an undertaking. Then having to unpack in the new one is no small chore. Needless to say, it has taken up much of my time leaving little for hobbies.
While I might not be building, painting, and creating, I have been buying. I don't know why, but I have become obsessed with WH40K models. A few months back, I bought some Kroot Warriors for a reasonable amount on eBay. They were assembled and partially painted. This purchase sparked my newest passion, finding WH0K models for cheap.
With that in mind, recent purchases have included a set of Vespids (Etsy), Battle Sisters (Etsy), a Krootox Rider (eBay), a Tau Battle Suit and Stealth Warriors (Noble Knight), and some Kabalite Warriors (eBay). I saved a lot of money by not buying them new and a ton of time because most are assembled and at least partially painted.
These combined with a a number of other 40K models I purchased in the past (still in boxes - Necrons, Orks, more Battle Sisters, Astra Militarum Units. some champion figures) and ones I have already assembled and painted should give me a pretty outstanding collection. As I get more settled, I will share pics. Wish me luck! "For the Emperor!"