Saturday, September 2, 2023

Creepy Crawlers

Does anyone still remember those?  Does anyone still have burn scars from the heater thingy??  Good times!  These creepy crawlers aren't quite the same, but cool none-the-less.

The big guy is a repaint and slightly modified Final Faction Kharn Huntra figure from the Dollar Tree.  I closed the holes in the launchers with some putty.  I gave it a coat of carbon paint.  I then drybrushed metallic green over the raised areas.  The teeth were painted tan and the eyes metallic red.  When the teeth dried, I gave them a red wash.  When it dried, I came back in with a light beige to highlight them.  

The areas that I puttied were painted carbon.  I next gave them a light coat of the metallic green.  A watered down dab of lime green was gently applied to where I closed the holes and lastly some watered down black was added there as well.  The whole thing was clear-coated and placed on an oval base.  

The small spider is my prototype for my upcoming spider army.  The body was painted brown and the legs were painted with alternating sections of gray and tan.  When everything dried, I gave it a black wash.  Once it dried, I went back and drybrushed the legs and mandibles with a light beige.  I added a lighter brown to the body segments.  I then went back in with some black on the rear of the figure, were the segments meet, and were the legs attach to the body.  Lastly, some gold touches were added to the eyes.

Like the Huntra figure, this spider was clear-coated and given a base.  Not bad for a day's work.