Sunday, June 18, 2023

Jubal Early

In an earlier post, I discussed my fondness for the short-lived but excellent series Firefly.  One of the antagonists that appeared on the show is Jubal Early played by actor, Richard Brooks.  Early is a crazed sadistic bounty hunter that boards Serenity to capture River Tam.  He is definitely one of the creepiest villains in a Sci-Fi TV show.  Early is in two episodes of Firefly:  Objects in Space and Leaves on the Wind. He is famous for saying: "Does that seem right to you?"  

I created my own version of Jubal Early at Hero Forge Custom Minis and had them 3D print it.  It turned out great.  I tried to mimic the color scheme for the figure from pictures of the character online.  I think I did okay.  Check out our spaced out spaceman.