Friday, May 5, 2023


This past week I was able to catch a couple of Marvel films on Netflix that I have been wanting to watch for some time. 

Thor: Love and Thunder is one of the worst Marvel films in recent memory.  Outside of  Christian Bale's performance, nothing about this film was that good.  Poor acting, poor attempts at humor, poor script, poor just about everything.  The problem is, I can't unsee it now.

Not much better was Black Panther: Wakanda Forever.  The Atlanteans were cool.  The back story of Namor was an interesting reinterpretation of his conception.  The rest of the story was mediocre at best.  I actually fell asleep at one point. Yawn!

I think I got spoiled by the fabulous films that made up the first round of Marvel/Avenger movies.  The newer films have a lot to live up to.  I'm hoping the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie will uplift my spirits and reconnect me to the franchise.  Marvel is 0 for 2 with me right now in round two.  I hope they don't strike out with this newest release.