Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Death Korps of the Krieg vs. Scooby-Doo and the Gang

Some time ago I saw that Warlord Games was selling sprues of their Bolt Action WW 2 Germans in Winter Gear.  I grabbed a couple of sprues for cheap.  I already had some German Sci-Fi heads from Reptilian Overlords.  I combined the two and modified some of the weapons.  The result is not too shabby looking proxies for the Death Korps of the Krieg.  I took my good old time painting them and I am pretty darn happy with the outcome.   

As for Scoob and the Gang, I picked them up online for .99 each.  Not a bad price.  The rest of my cartoon world HeroClix collection awaits them.  Maybe they can solve the mystery of my missing socks from the dryer.  Hmmmm...