Saturday, February 11, 2023

Whiskey a Oh Oh

The structure is a Technolog kit that I had built as a firebase a few years back. I had the image in mind of Outpost Whiskey from Starship Troopers.  It didn't go quite the way I planned so I made it more of an abandoned outpost.  Bored last night, I dug out my Mobile Infantry (from Mongoose Publishing) and ordered them out to said firebase just in time to get overrun by da bugs.  Sorry guys.  My bad.

The "bugs" are still a WIP.  I  hope to finish them next week.  Waiting in the wings is a Rancor Beast all primed and ready to go.  Check out the pic.

Monday, February 6, 2023

The Chemical Plant Project

Not all chemicals are bad. Without chemicals such as hydrogen and oxygen, for example, there would be no way to make water, a vital ingredient in beer.

                                                                                                             Dave Barry, American Journalist

As I'm sure many folks do, I sometimes spend idle time watching YouTube videos.  Often I find myself focusing on the DIY terrain builds for miniature wargaming.  Recently I saw several great vids on scratch built chemical plants.  Not that I need any more terrain (I DON'T!), but I couldn't resist the urge to do a chemical plant.  How many WH40K images have you see over the years on the internet with the gallant Space Marines taking on some foe or another at a chemical plant?  Somewhere deep in my slightly warped mind was a gnawing to build one of these bad boys.

I saw an eBay auction for the old Pegasus Hobbies Chemical Plant (made in Russia if I'm not mistaken).  You can still find a sprue or two around on the internet but not too often do you see a complete kit.  I won the auction (got it for a really good price) and it arrived here in no time.  So now, I have the kit and as soon as I complete a couple of the current builds, I'm going to try my hand at a project that will be half scratch built and half kit built (I have a vision in my head).  I'm thinking I might add my Gothic Train to it.  We shall see, boys and girls.  When I tackle this project, pics will be sure to follow.  Until next time.

Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Death Korps of the Krieg vs. Scooby-Doo and the Gang

Some time ago I saw that Warlord Games was selling sprues of their Bolt Action WW 2 Germans in Winter Gear.  I grabbed a couple of sprues for cheap.  I already had some German Sci-Fi heads from Reptilian Overlords.  I combined the two and modified some of the weapons.  The result is not too shabby looking proxies for the Death Korps of the Krieg.  I took my good old time painting them and I am pretty darn happy with the outcome.   

As for Scoob and the Gang, I picked them up online for .99 each.  Not a bad price.  The rest of my cartoon world HeroClix collection awaits them.  Maybe they can solve the mystery of my missing socks from the dryer.  Hmmmm...