Monday, January 31, 2022

It's All in the Box

I always like to share when I come across something that is good and of value.  For the past few months I've been enjoying the Every Plate meal plan.  It's simple, easy, and well worth it.  You preorder your meals for the week, they send you a box with everything you need to make brainer.  I've loved every single meal to date.  I really can't say enough good things about this meal plan. Ya gotta try it!

 Every Plate

Saturday, January 22, 2022

It's Not Easy Being Green


I purchased this Gul'Vaal, Eater Of Hope, figure on Etsy last summer from BartlelsMarvels and am finally getting around to painting it. He is a Chaos Nurgle Demon Lord. This sucker is big (3.5 inches wide by 4 inches tall).

I had a great time painting it. I tried to make it as vile, ugly, and disgusting as possible. (Hey, I wanted to do the guy proud). I modified the contents spilling out of the sack. (There was this gooney looking head poking out.) I replaced it with some tentacles I removed from an old Horrorclix figure. I added a rusty chain and put a skull on the back of the base.

I'm still working on a Nurgle Cavalry unit to complete my Chaos Army I started last summer.  Soon, I hope to have some minions to help the Big Guy spread pestilence, famine, and decay.

This proliferator of the plague turned out pretty damn cool in my humble opinion.  Check it out and see what you think.