Yesterday, I finished a set of SSU figures from Dust and a Warp Gate that I found on Etsy. The 2 figures are from the Operation: Zverograd Box set. Grand Ma is the walker figure. She is piloted by Koshka. The walker is primed and decaled. I went in and gave some areas a coat of dark silver. I then gave the figure a wash with some watered down black paint and then went in and gave the model some highlights. I have a bunch of AT-43 Red Blok figures. I tried to keep Grand Ma's colors similar to those figs. Koshka is painted closely to the way she appears on the box. I liked the overall look. These two will be nice additions to my Neo-Soviet Army.
The warp gate was a quick paint. The stones were painted gray and the metals silver. I gave the entire fig a wash and then came back in and highlighted. Simple, easy, fun. With the gate I finished a little while back, figures should be able to "port" across great distances on the table. Fun stuff! Check 'em out!