Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Sign O' The Times

Sign O' The Times was an amazing album by Prince released back in 1987.  When I was putting together this new piece of terrain, I was inspired by the current events that are taking place around us. 

The model is an apartment building manufactured by Plasticville U.S.A.  Keeping with the times and influenced by pics from the internet, I decided to go with this grim-dark version.  The building has been quarantined.  Based on the look of the place, is it to keep people in or something else out (zombies maybe???)  I've included a front and back view of the place.  (The lighting's a bit off in the second pic...sorry!)

Anyway, it's done and looks fairly good.  I put a couple of HeroClix figs on top for show.  I still have about a half dozen pieces of terrain to complete.  I'll get to them sooner or later.  Stay safe, stay well, and stay in!