Saturday, February 8, 2020

Space Force???

I finally got around to assembling and painting these minis.  They are from Soda Pop Miniatures Relic Knights Line.  They are part of the Black Diamond faction.

On the left is the Leopold Magnus figure with Static.  Sophia Drake (pink hair) leads a team of Diamond Corps soldiers.  The M8 Blitz tank on the right rounds out the group.

I base coated the figures in dark gray.  I coated all the armor in a metallic black.  The guns were painted silver-gray.  Magnus got a metallic purple cape. Static was painted a metallic red.  The tank treads were painted gray.  Everything got a black wash and then was dry-brushed with a light metallic purple.  All the metal was clear-coated with high gloss and then given a light dusting with glitter (the diamond effect!).

I still have the Suspect 7 set to do to complete the group.  When that happens, who's to say.

Until next time.