Tuesday, August 21, 2018

Recent Builds

Still on a roll with stuff for my upcoming wargaming table.  I made some scatter terrain from parts of an old toy and some odds and ends I had.  I think that they turned out to be pretty cool looking.

I also finished this destroyed building from Amera Plastics.  Their products are vacuformed.  When I opened it, I was concerned that the building might not be strong and durable enough to handle bigger figures and their weight.

I reinforced all of the floor pieces with plastic strips and filled in the remainder of the space with vinyl spackling.  To support the heavier floors I added some columns to the walls and a 90 degree bracket to the area where the 2 wall sections meet.  Some rubble and detail pieces were added to give it some story.  A lot of paint and superglue later, it's finally done.

One down, two to go as far as the Amera buildings that I purchased are concerned.  They're a bit of a pain in the bum to put together.  I don't know if I'd buy more of them down the road.  But, the price was right and they have the look that I wanted for the table.

I started the Combat Burger Joint from Novus Designs as my next building.  It's really coming along nicely.  I'll get some pics out when I'm done.  Thanks for checking out my blog.  I'm always honored that you do.