Friday, June 22, 2018

June Bugs

While they're not exactly bugs, in the world of sci fi miniatures, they might be bug hunters, very big bug hunters!  This is a set of Reaper Bones IMEF Space Marines.  I went with a color scheme that I saw on a blog at one time.  The color was referred to as "Ghost Green".  I really liked it when I first saw it and decided to try it on  this group.  I am very pleased with the results.  Please take a look and see what you think of the team.  (Now I need to get a group together for them to take project??!!)

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

I've Got A Good Feeling About This

I saw the new Star Wars movie last night.  Solo, in a word, was great.  I think that it is a dang close second to Rogue One as far as Star Wars films go.  I enjoyed the story, thought that the acting was tremendous throughout, and the special effects were done well (I could have done without the space octopus though). The movie is truly enjoyable and a great fast-paced ride.  Look for the Easter Eggs in the command center of Dryden Voss! 

Also:  I've been working on a set of Reaper's IMEF Marines.  So far, so good.  Pics to follow.

Saturday, June 2, 2018

May The 4 Be With You....Me????

Here are my four miniatures for May. All the minis are from the Reaper's Bones line.  I painted two to look like Drow warriors.  I have a Skeletal Knight and an Iron Golem to complete the group.  I'm pretty darn happy about the work I did on them.  Picture included: