Friday, March 30, 2018

The Minis of March

Five pirates, four goblins, three French Hens (just kidding), and two Driders - not bad.  I was hoping for more, but I'll take it.  I think that I did decently on them.  Some turned out better than others.  For the most part, I'm happy.  Check 'em out!

Friday, March 16, 2018

March Magic and Such

I have decided to try something different this year as far as my miniature hobby goes. Starting in March, I am going to alternate monthly between whether I am painting fantasy or scifi figures. Thus far, I have completed a set of Reaper Bones Pirates and am now working on a set of their goblins.  (I love their stuff!!!)  Pics to follow later.

I ordered some figs from Megacon Games.  I purchased a set of their Mercs figures (KemVar) and a set of their Banner Saga figures.  Not crazy about the Mercs, the Banner Saga stuff is great.  My only gripe about the BS figs is that some of their weapons are horribly bent.  I'm hoping that the old boiling water/ice water trick will work to straighten them out.

Tried some Sam Adams '76 last weekend.  As much as I normally enjoy their products, I gotta say this one missed the mark with me.  It tastes too much like an IPA and seemed to have a grapefruitish aftertaste.  Not my cup of tea.  Speaking of beer, I'm headed down to the Hoffbrauhaus this week, I'm looking forward to it!

Also missing the mark was Marvel's Thor: Ragnarok.  The Thor and Avengers Movies have been great so far.  This one however, came up short.  The Thor character seemed a bit out of character.  Too many attempts at humor like in the Guardians of the Galaxy.  While it works there, it didn't in Ragnarok.  The Warriors Three were out of the film in a heartbeat.  No Lady Sif and no Natalie Portman....boooooo!!!!  The Executioner and Korg characters were weak at best.  The portrayals of Loki, Hela, Heimdall, and Valkyrie were amazing!!!! LOVED the Hulk in this!!!!  The talents of Jeff Goldblum and Anthony Hopkins were completely wasted.  (Is Odin the new Yoda?!) I'm hoping that the new Avengers movie will be better.  We will have to wait and see.

Saturday, March 3, 2018


Over 14 months ago I embarked on what I called the Primarch Project.  When I first announced it on this very blog, I didn't have any of the figures nor did I imagine what the cost would be.  Much like the progenitor of the 20 sons himself, I set out on a quest to gather up the clan and turn this endeavor into a reality.  Well, roughly $568 and many hours of building, modifying, and painting later, I finally achieved my goal.

All-in-all this has been a real challenge but a labor of love at the same time.  As I promised in the beginning, here are some pics from the family reunion.  The first one is of the models in the order that I painted them and the second is the Primarchs in order by legion number.  Check 'em out.  (Sorry about the poor quality of the pics!)