Thursday, July 20, 2017

Hammer Time

Things are heating up again with the search for the lost boys.  I just finished our favorite thunder hammer wielding Salamander.  After considering a bunch of different color schemes, I went with lime colored armor accented with pewter.  The scale covered areas were done in metallic green and then given a reddish-purple wash.  Flames on the armor were highlighted with yellow.  The hammer has a brown wooden shaft accented with pewter metal areas and the hammer head itself was done in two-tone gold. 
I can’t say that I’m a big fan of the pose. It reads,"too superhero".  The base is sort of odd.  It is on the smallish side and is a piece of rock with a dragon (actually, half of a dragon) climbing up it.  Like many of the KOL figures, this “Smith Knight” is rather small.   Anyway, it’s finished and I’m now half way done with the project.  Check out the pic.

Up Next: The nemesis of the Lord of the Forge!