Friday, August 19, 2016

Happy Anniversary!!!!

September 8, 2016 will mark the 50th anniversary of the airing of the Star Trek television series on NBC.  It's hard for me to believe that I've been a part of the Star Trek experience since the beginning.  I can still remember watching the show on my parents old black and white TV and thinking that it was the coolest thing that I had ever seen.  (I was only 5 at the time so cut me a break!)

Kudos to all who have been a part of the phenomenon over the years from Gene Roddenberry to J.J. Abrams.  Special thanks to all the great actors and actresses who made the many fantastic characters come to life.  A big shout out to all of the writers of the shows, movies, books, etc. who made the ongoing missions real for all of us to explore.  We can't forget all of the behind the scenes folks whose artistic and technological talents brought all of those things into our homes and onto the silver screen and more. Thank you all for making this amazingly special for the many trekkers like myself who love Star Trek!

So here's to all of you for turning Gene's vision of a better tomorrow into a dream that many of us around the world share.  As a fan, I can't thank you enough.  Let us now together boldly go where no one has gone before!

***Just a little Star Wars note***

Back in April of 2013 I did a post on this very blog titled "Large Mouse Kills Han Solo".  Does anyone get a feeling that folks over at Disney check out my humble little blog???  Maybe they decided to take the good old "message from Marz" (hey, you never know)  Gotta say,  I called this one!