Saturday, August 16, 2014

Back to the Grind

DONE.  FINISHED.  After more than a week I have completed my Warhammer Soul Grinder.  I must say that I am more than pleased with it.  Inspired by a picture that I saw online of a customized Soul Grinder done by TalonWarlock I set out to mimic the model.  I made a few changes/additions myself and ended up with what I feel is a pretty cool model.

I have posted some pics.  I am throwing in a pic of my Daemonettes for poops and laughs.

So one down and 155 to go.  I did a count and have realized that I have that many models to paint/finish.  Fifty of those are miniatures from the Sedition Wars: Battle for Alabaster Game.  I have promised myself not to buy any more until these are completed.  It gets overwhelming knowing that there are that many to finish.  A hobby is supposed to be fun, enjoyable, and relaxing.  It shouldn't be an additional source of stress.

From here on mini at a time.  Hopefully I'll share pics as I complete them.  Next up is a Chaos Hellbrute.   I plan to use the same color scheme as I did with the Soul Grinder.  Hopefully I will have the same amount of success with it.  Wish me luck!