Seldom do I find something that I consider to be exceptional. Really good, great, fantastic, but exceptional is a rare thing. When you do find something exceptional the appreciation felt for it touches the soul. Recently I have had those feelings. The feelings of awe and deep gratification have been brought about by nothing more than a book.
Looking at it one might wonder what is so exceptional about it. It is small simple paperback novel. The cover is interesting...most book covers are. It looks similar to the many millions of other paperbacks that are out there. So what makes it exceptional?
Two words....the story. The title of the book is Betrayer. Betrayer is one of the Horus Hersey novels from the Black Library. I can honestly say that all of the books in the series to date have been great. Betrayer by Aaron Dembski-Bowden is exceptional!
What makes Betrayer unique is Dembski-Bowden's ability to allow the reader to clearly see into the minds of the array of characters he presents. The reader can actually feel their anger, confusion, passion, etc. He makes it easy to understand their human qualities and frailties. Honor, friendship, kinship, duty, brotherhood, envy, hate, many human emotions are written in a way that the reader can actually share them with the characters. You feel what they feel! Few things that I have ever read (and I read a great deal) have impacted me the way that this novel has. It truly is exceptional!
Kudos to Aaron Dembski-Bowden for his work! I cannot wait for his next effort. I would like to thank all of the writers in the series for creating perhaps the greatest epic sci fi series of all time. The Black Library and Games Workshop is putting out a top quality product. This reader, for one, greatly appreciates it. Call me a fanboy, but I know something exceptional when I read it!