Life has been a bit rough lately. My father has been in the hospital for the past six weeks. It seemed that as soon as the doctors would get one thing situated, another problem would arise. We nearly lost him at one point. Finally (knock on wood) it seems like he may be turning the corner and headed back to health. Let us hope this is the case!
This past week I lost an uncle. The man died in my arms. I gave him CPR but it was too little too late. He had been fighting cancer and had recently had heart surgery. At 82 and in his weakened condition he just couldn't make it. The man had lived a pretty good life and was surrounded by those who loved and cared about him.
Both of these situations have made me very contemplative lately. We are here for a period of years. We do not have a say in as to how many of them. We share this time with others: family, friends, co-workers, and folks we know to various degrees. We learn, work, play, enjoy, suffer, love, laugh, create, and more.
This journey down the road is a strange one. It often seems that we have no idea where the road leads. Some days the road is smooth and on others it is so very rough. My travel on the road lately has a bit bumpy to say the least. My solace has come from family, close friends, and faith. This may be the best part of the journey...not being alone on it! I have come to the realization that I am an extremely lucky man. I have wonderful special people with me on this journey who love, care, and support me. The accept me as I am and allow me to be me.
I hope these special folks understand I am there for them on their journey as well. I hope my father and my uncle know/knew that. I hope that to some degree I have helped them along the rough road. I hope I made their journeys a little better. I hope they know that I have enjoyed my time traveling along the road with them!