I jut finished a set of "Grim Reapers" from the Dust Tactics miniatures line. The "Reapers" turned out really really well. They are probably my best painting effort to date. I think that the Dust Tactics line/game is pretty darn cool. The whole "Weird War" concept totally appeals to me. (I also like Tannhauser for the same reason!) So far I have acquired and painted several sets. From the Allied troops I also have a set of "Tank Busters". My Axis group consists so far of the Hero Pack, Laser Grenadiers, and the Heavy Recon Grenadiers.
The knocks against Dust Tactics are:
1) Price - too much $ for too few figures
2) Figures come pre-assembled (some folks may see this as a plus)
On the upside:
1) Variety (Axis, Allies, Soviet/Chinese forces and vehicles)
2) Quick turn around in painting them and having them ready for play.
I have plans to continue buying and painting more sets down the road. I love the Axis Gorillas and Zombies. I hope to start adding some of the vehicles as well. We'll have to see (time and money always factor in). I want to make sure I get as many of the items that I can so that I'm not left in the DUST!