Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Keep On Rolling!

I don't know what has got into me lately.  I have been on a rampage of painting and assembling a ton of miniatures as of late (sadly no gaming though).  I did a group of Eldar Guardians that turned out pretty decently.  Those who have seen them thought they looked cool.  I painted them in the colors of the Biel-Tan Craftworld.  I had previously done 2 jetbikes and a viper in the same color scheme.  The entire group goes really well together.  (Sorry no pictures - I can't really get the hang of doing that.  The pics NEVER look good.) 

I also finished a Khador battle group.  I did a pretty fair job on the warcaster and decenty on the 2 warjacks.  Something was kind of funky when I clear coated them with gloss.  I'm not 100% satisfied but I think the set still looks alright.

I started some Warhammer Daemonettes.  The paint scheme really wasn't working out.  I bagged them for now.  I need to rethink how I want them to look.

Over the past few days I have been going nuts on a set of Shocktroopers from Wargames Factory.  So far I am really pleased as to the paint scheme.  I am really looking forward to get these guys finished and assembled.  Sadly... it may be a bit before I can get them into any gameplay.

I have several more sets that I need to get to a bit down the road.  For now I am on a roll.  With no hockey on the tube, I seem to be using my time productively.

Off topic:  If you haven't checked out Face Off and/or Hot Set on SyFy you have really missed out.  Love these shows!!!!  Tuesday night!  Check 'em out!!!!