Saturday, September 30, 2017

Scary Stuff

With the rising of the Great Pumpkin just around the corner, I found a little gem last night on Smashwords that's both a trick and a treat.  The book is called Tome Of TerrorIt's an anthology of short horror stories, each one a treat in and of itself.  The trick is, it's totally free!  I've included the link here for you:  Tome Of Terror

Grabbed a case of Sam Adams Octoberfest yesterday.  It is truly worth every penny.  This sweet tasting marzen brew is the perfect autumn treat for any little ghoul, ghost or goblin  (humans too!).

Monday, September 25, 2017

Raven About It

It took me a while to get this one done.  This Archfather Corvis figure from HiTech Miniatures turned out to be pretty decent looking.  The sculpt and pose are alright.  I like the base and the wings.  The talons and jet pack could have been improved.  The talons are brittle and the jet pack just looks odd in my opinion.  I kept our little Raven Lord in basic black with metallic white, blue, and silver accents.  See picture below.

What I'm not raving about is the brush-less car wash at the new Sheetz in Murrysville.  I took my car down there over the weekend.  I did the high-end wash on it.  It looks about the same as when I drove it in.  Maybe they haven't worked out the kinks in the system yet, I don't know.  What I do know is it needs to be improved greatly!

To end on a positive note: I don't usually eat fast food.  But Saturday morning I was in a hurry and just decided to grab some grub at the drive-thru.  I got 2 bacon, egg, and cheese biscuit sandwiches and a large coffee at Mickey Ds. Filling, inexpensive, and tasty.  I gotta say, "I was lovin' it!"