Friday, April 19, 2013

Vraksian Traitor Militia

I finished a set of Vraksian Renegade Militia the other day.  The bodies are Warzone Imperials, the heads come from Wargames Factory Shock Troopers.  The weapons were a hodge-podge from various bitz I had in a box. (The one's pictures only have Warzone Imperial weapons).  Here are few of them shown clashing with some Shock Troopers (representing Krieg Death Korps).  The Vraksians turned out to be ok.  Not my best effort to date.

Side note:  Returned to the Hofbrauhaus a few weeks back.  Had the Dunkel Bourbon Burger and a Marzen draft.  The very best meal I have had in quite some time!!!!  Es war gut, ja!!!!

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Large Mouse Kills Han Solo

I just read online that Disney plans to release one Star Wars movie per year for the next who knows how many years.  I'm a Star Wars fan.  Not a "I-know-everything-about-Star Wars-fan", but a fan.  Like many, I had hoped for more Star Wars films.  But, this seems to me to be totally ridiculous!  Too much of anything is never good (like the Superman movies for example).  I'm not going to lie, I'll go to see the first one that Disney puts out.  I just hope big time that the"House of Mouse" doesn't kill what has been a really good thing.  SOOOOO my fellow Jedi, may the force be with us and with a little luck may this will all turn out to be pretty cool!  If not, the whole thing could end up one major Jar Jar Binks (if ya know what I mean)!